Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Pain is a wrong perspective.  When it is experienced in any form, it is a proof of self-deception.  It is not a fact.  Pain proclaims God is cruel.  Can such projections be attested to?  Can they be anything but false? Pain is witness to the Son's mistakes in what he thinks he is.  It is a nightmare of abandonment by an Eternal   Love.

Pain is a sign illusions reign in place of truth.  It demonstrates God is denied, confused with fear, perceived as mad, and seen as traitor to Himself.  If God is real, there is no pain.  If pain is real, there is no God.  For vengeance is not part of love.  Fear is denying love and using pain to prove that God is dead, has shown that death is victor over life.  

It is our thoughts alone that cause us pain.  Nothing external to our minds can hurt or injure us in any way.  There is no cause outside of our selves that can reach down and  bring oppression.  No one but ourselves affects us.  There is nothing in the world that has the power to make us ill or sad, weak or frail.   We have the power to dominate all things we see by merely recognizing what we are. 

My holy brothers and sisters, think of this awhile: The world we see does nothing.  It has no effects.  It merely represents our thoughts.  We deny a small corner of our minds its own inheritance and keep it as a hospital for pain; a sickly place where living things must come at last to die.  The world may seem to cause us pain.  As an illusion it is what we wish.

Pain is the thought of evil taking form, and working havoc in our holy minds.  Pain is the ransom we have gladly paid not to be free.  In pain is God denied the Son He loves.  So lay down all thoughts of danger and of fear.  Here will we understand there is no pain.  Here does the joy of God belongs to us.

Pain is illusion; joy, reality.  Pain is sleep, joy is awakening.  Pain is deception; joy alone is truth.    We choose between illusion and the truth, or pain and joy, or hell and Heaven.  Let our gratitude unto our Teacher fill our hearts, as we are free to choose our joy instead of pain, our holiness instead of sin, the peace of God instead of conflict, and the light of Heaven for the darkness of the world.  www.peakform.net; www.dabreaufoundation.org; www.jean-lucdabreau.com.  

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