Sunday, August 22, 2010

"The Dream Lover"

We all dream of true and everlasting love. But our self-image dictates a person's treatment of him/herself and others. In a personal relationship that is evident; we attract the type of mate we think we deserve, our 'Dream Lover.'

The self-image acts as an unconscious life-governing device ; that if in our self-image we cannot see our selves doing something, achieving something, we literally cannot do it. In other words what we see is what we get.

There is hope, the self-image can be changed since the unconscious mind is incapable of differentiating between a real success and a success imagined again and again, vividly and in full detail. As our behaviour and performance usually are consistent with our self-image. Our self-image is an intricately woven concept made up of all our feelings, fears and emotional responses to each and every personal experience up to the present.

As with any learned activity or skill,the self-image is housed at the unconscious or automatic level of thinking. What we perceive as real is filtered or shaded differently from what others perceive, by our time-grown, robot-like self-image. What we imagine as being real, with frequency, becomes our own version of reality.

We imagine and fantasize that person we would most like to become and the robot self-image reads the script, memorizes it and acts accordingly. What does this have to do with our 'Dream Lover?' Everything!

When the romantic flame that once burned brightly dies. When the little things our significant other does loose their importance. We complain; "You know what that no good so and so did?" That no good so and so was once the love of our life. So, what happened?

The person did not change instantly. In most instances it was a gradual process or the person was always that way. But, we could not see. Why? Our perception of ourselves were distorted.

Next week I will share some tools to correct our distorted perception.

Note: I am writing this topic today and next Sunday as advised by Dianne Branch (my loving, caring, always sharing cousin).

Kindly, purchase the CD 'Mind Power'

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