Sunday, February 6, 2011

"We seek what belongs to us in truth."

Joy and peace are ours. They come to us from God, Who gives us what He wills. There must be a place ready to receive His gifts. His gifts are our own in truth. His gifts we inherited before time existed, and will be ours when time has passed into eternity. His gifts are within us now, because they are timeless. They belong to us today.

We seek what belongs to us in truth. Joy and peace are our inheritance. Lay aside the conflicts of the world that offer other gifts and other goals made of illusions, and sought for only in a world of dreams. Instead, seek what is truly ours, recognizing what God has given to us. As we clear a holy place within our minds before His alter, where His gifts of joy and peace are accepted.

What belong to us in truth is what He gives. His Will is done and joy and peace belong to us as His eternal gifts. We seek what belong to us in truth, God's gifts of joy and peace are all we want. Get the CD 'Infinite Power'