Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"I rest in God"

I ask for peace and stillness, in the midst of all the turmoil born of clashing dreams. "I rest in God." This thought will bring to me the rest and quiet, peace and stillness, and the safety and the happiness I seek. "I rest in God." This thought has power to wake the sleeping truth in me, whose vision sees beyond appearances to that same truth in everyone and everything there is.

"I rest in God." This thought will carry me through storms and strife, past misery and pain, past loss and death, and onward to certainty of God. There is no suffering it cannot heal. There is no problem that it cannot solve. This is the day of peace. I rest in God, and while the world is torn by winds of greed and hate my rest remains completely undisturbed. In the Creator, I have no cares and no concerns, no burdens, no anxiety, no pain, no fear of future and past regrets. In timelessness I rest, as I close my eyes, I sink into stillness.

As I take my rest today, a tired mind is suddenly made glad, a bird with broken wings begins to sing, a stream long dry begins to flow again. The world is born again each time I rest, a reminder that I came to bring the peace of God into the world, that it might take its rest along with me. When rest will be the only thing there is comes closer to all worn and tired minds, with hope reborn and energy restored to walk with lightened steps along the road that suddenly seems easy as they go.

I rest within the peace of God today, and call upon my brothers and sisters from their rest to draw them to their rest, along with me. I will be faithful to my trust today, forgetting no one, bringing everyone into the boundless circle of my peace, the holy sanctuary where I rest. I bid all creation enter here and rest with me. Rest within the peace of God now, quiet and unafraid. We rest together here, where our rest is made complete, and what we give today we have received already. We give to those unborn and those passed by, to every Thought of God, and to the Mind in which these Thoughts were born and where they rest. "I rest in God." Please purchase the CD, "Infinite Power.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"To give and to receive are one in truth."

Vision depends on today's idea. The light is in it, reconciling all seeming opposites. What is light except the resolution, born of peace, of all our conflicts and mistaken thoughts into one concept which is wholly true? True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body's eyes behold. It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived.

This is the light that shows no opposites, and vision, being healed, has power to heal. This is the light that brings our peace of mind to other minds, to share it and be glad that they are one with us and with themselves. This is the light that heals because it brings single perception, based upon one frame of reference, from which one meaning comes.

Here are both giving and receiving seen as different aspects of one Thought whose truth does not depend on which is seen as first, nor which appears to be in second place. Here it is understood that both occur together, that the Thought remain complete. One thought, completely unified, will serve to unify all thought. TO FORGIVE A BROTHER OR SISTER WHOLLY IS ENOUGH TO BRING SALVATION TO ALL MINDS.

To give is to receive. So let's offer peace to everyone, and see how quickly peace returns to us. To give and to receive are one in truth. We will receive what we are giving NOW. Therefore, each day: "To everyone I offer quietness. To everyone I offer peace of mind. To everyone I offer gentleness." And it will come to me in the amount in which I give it. To give and to receive are one in truth. Purchase the CD, "Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness." from

Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Truth will correct all errors in our minds."

What can correct illusions but the truth? What are errors but illusions that remain unrecognised for what they are? Where truth has entered errors disappear. They merely vanish, leaving not a trace by which to be remembered. They are gone because, without belief, they have no life. So they disappear to nothingness, returning from where they came. From dust to dust they come and go, for only truth remains.

What a state of mind without illusions is? How would it feel? Remember a time, when nothing came to interrupt our peace; when we were certain that we were loved and safe. Now, try to visualize what it would be like to have that moment extended to the end of time and eternity. Now, let the sense of quiet that we felt be multiplied a hundred million times, and then be multiplied another hundred million more.

Now we have a hint, of the state our mind will rest in when truth has come. Without illusions there could be no fear, no doubt and no attack. When truth has come all pain is over, for there is no room for transitory thoughts and dead ideas to linger in our minds. Truth occupies our minds completely, liberating us from all beliefs in the ephemeral. They have no place because the truth has come, and they are nowhere. They can not be found, for truth is everywhere forever, now.

When truth has come it does not not stay a while, to disappear or change to something else. It stays exactly as it always was, to be depended on in every need, and trusted with perfect trust. It harbours in its wings the gift of perfect constancy, and love which does not falter in the face of pain, but looks beyond it, steadily and sure. Here is the gift of healing, for the truth needs not defense,and therefore no attack is possible. Illusions can be brought to truth to be corrected. But the truth stands far beyond illusions, and can not be brought to to them to turn them into truth.

Truth does not come and go nor shift nor change, in this appearance now and then in that, evading capture and escaping grasp. It does not hide. It stands in open light, in obvious accessibility. It is impossible that anyone could seek it truly, and would not succeed. This day belongs to truth. Give truth its due, and it will give you yours.

We do not ask for what we do not have. We merely ask for what belongs to us, that we may recognize it as our own. We do not doubt we walk with truth today, and count on it to enter into all things we do today. Truth will correct all errors in our minds which tell us we could be apart from God. Speak to God today, and pledge to let His function be fulfilled through us. His confidence is with us, as we say:

"Truth will correct all errors in my mind. I will rest in Him Who is my Self."

Then let God lead you gently to the truth, which will envelop you and give you peace so deep and tranquil that you will return to the familiar world reluctantly. Each time you tell yourself with confidence, "Truth will correct all errors in my mind." You speak for all the world and God Who would release the world and Him Who would release the world, as He would set us free. Purchase the CD; "Healing Spirit, Mind, Body"

Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Let us be still and listen to the truth."

Place aside the ego's voice. Do not accept its petty gifts that give us nothing that we really want; if we will listen with an open mind, that has not told us what salvation is; then we will hear the mighty Voice of truth, quiet in power, strong in stillness, and completely certain in Its message. Listen, and our Father speak to us through His appointed voice, silences the thunder of meaningless, and shows the path to peace to those who cannot see. Please be still this day and listen to the truth. Do not be deceived by voices of the dead, which tell you they have found the source of life and offer it to you for your belief. Do not pay attention to them, LISTEN TO THE TRUTH.

Circumvent the voices of the world. Walk lightly past their meaningless persuasion. Be still and listen to the truth. Hear only God today. Hear one Voice today. The promise of God's Word is kept. Hear and be silent. He would speak to you. His miracles are true. They will not fade when dreaming ends. They end the dream instead; and last forever, for they come from God to His dear Child, whose other name is you. Prepare ourselves for miracles today. Allow our Father's ancient pledge to us and all our brothers and sisters to be kept. All those who sleep and cannot see. God calls to them through you. He need your voice to speak to them, for who could reach God's Son except his Father, calling through your Self.

Listen today, and we will hear a Voice Which will resound throughout the world through us. The Bringer of all miracles has need that we receive them first, and become the joyous giver of what we received. Thus salvation start and thus it ends; when everything is ours and everything is given away, it will remain with us forever. Begin our day with this request for enlightenment:
"I will be still and listen to the truth. What does it mean to give and to receive?"

Ask and expect an answer. Our request is one whose answer has been waiting long to be received by us. I will begin the ministry for which we came, and which will free the world from thinking giving is a way to lose. So the world becomes ready to understand and to receive. Be still and listen to the truth today. Each five minutes spent in listening, a thousand minds are opened to the truth and they will hear the holy Word you hear. The holy Word of God is kept through our receiving it to give away, so we can teach the world what giving means by listening and learning it of God. Say as often this day: "Let me be still and listen to the truth. I am the messenger of God today, my voice is His, to give what I receive." Kindly order and listen to the CD, "Relaxation"