Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Engenders Fear"

"The totally insane engenders fear because it is completely undependable, and offers no grounds for trust. Nothing in madness is dependable. It holds out no safety and no hope. Such a world is not real. We have given it the illusion of reality, and have suffered from our belief in it. NOW, in the New Year of 2010, we choose to withdraw this belief, and place our trust in reality. In choosing this, we will escape all the effects of the world of fear, because we are acknowledging that it does not exist." Purchase and listen to the CD, "MIND POWER"

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"Meaningless World"

"Insane thoughts are upsetting. They produce a world in which there is no order anywhere. Only chaos rules a world that represents chaotic thinking, and chaos has no laws. We cannot live in PEACE in such a world. We are grateful that this world is not real, and we need not see it at all unless we choose to value it. And we do not choose to value what is totally insane and has no meaning." Buy and listen to the CD, "INFINITE POWER"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Meaningless thoughts"

"Since our thoughts of which we are aware do not mean anything, the world that pictures them can have no meaning. What is producing this world is insane, and so is what it produces. Reality is not insane, and we have real thoughts as well as insane ones. Therefore, we can see a real world, if we look to our real thoughts as our guide for seeing." Buy the CD, "BECOME A HIGH ACHIEVER"

Monday, December 28, 2009

"We do not see anything as it is now."

"If we do not see anything as it is now, it can truly be said that we see nothing. We can see only what is now. The choice is not whether to see the past or the present; the choice is whether to see or not. What we have chosen to see has cost us vision. Now we would choose again, that we may see." Buy and listen to the CD, "HEALING SPIRIT, MIND AND BODY"

Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Past Thoughts"

"We see only our own thoughts, and our minds are preoccupied with the past. What, then, can we see as it is? Let us remember that we look on the past to prevent the present from dawning on our minds. Let's understand that we are trying to use time against God. Let us learn to give the past away, realizing that in so doing we are giving up nothing." Purchase and listen to the CD, "FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS"

Saturday, December 26, 2009

"We see only the past."

"As we look about, we condemn the world we look upon. We call this seeing. We hold the past against everyone and everything, making them our enemies. When we have forgiven ourselves and remembered who we are, we will bless everyone and everything we see. There will be no past, and therefore no enemies. We will look with love on all that we failed to see before." Buy and listen to the CD, "FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seasons Greetings

"We are upset because we see what is not there."

"Reality is never frightening. It cannot upset us. Reality brings perfect peace. When we are upset, it is because we have replaced reality with illusions we made up. The illusions are upsetting because we have given them reality, and thus regard reality as an illusion. Nothing in God's creation is affected in any way by this confusion of ours. We are always upset by nothing." Listen to the CD, "RELAXATION"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"We are never upset for the reason we think."

"We are never upset for the reason we think because we are constantly trying to justify our thoughts. We are constantly trying to make our thoughts true. We make all thinks our enemies, so that our anger is justified and our attacks are warranted. We do not realize how much we have misused everything we see by assigning this role to it. We have done this to defend a thought system that has hurt us, and that we do not want. We must be willing to let it go." Listen to the CD, "RAPPORT"

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Our thoughts do not mean anything."

"The thoughts of which we are aware do not mean anything because we are trying to think without God. What we call our thoughts are not our real thoughts. Our real thoughts are the thoughts we think with God. We are not aware of them because we have made our thoughts to take their place. We must be willing to recognize that our thoughts do not mean anything, and let them go. We must choose to have them be replaced by what they were intended to replace. Our thoughts are meaningless, but all creation lies in the thoughts we think with God." Listen to the CD "EFFECTIVE FAMILY COMMUNICATION"

Sunday, December 13, 2009


"How could we understand what we see when we have judged it amiss? What we see is our own errors of thought. We do not understand what we see because it is not understandable. There is no sense in trying to understand it. But there is every reason to let it go, and make room for what can be seen, understood and loved. We can exchange what we see now for this by being willing to do so. Is not this a better choice than the one we made before?" Listen to the CD, "LIVE A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

"We have given what we see all the meaning it has for us."

"We have judged everything we look upon, and it is this and only this we see. This is not vision. It is merely an illusion of reality, because our judgments have been made apart from reality. We must be willing to recognize the lack of validity in our judgments, that we may see. Our judgments have hurt us, and we do not want to see according to them." Listen to the CD, "FORGIVENESS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS"

Friday, December 11, 2009

"Nothing we see means anything."

"The reason this is so is that we see nothing, and nothing has no meaning. It is necessary that we recognize this, that we may learn to see. What we think we see now is taking the place of vision. We must let it go by realizing it has no meaning, so that vision may take its place." Utilize the CD, "FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS"

Thursday, December 10, 2009


""Here is the answer to every problem that will confront us, today, tomorrow and throughout time. In this world, we believe we are sustained by everything but God. Our faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, protective clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the right people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that we endow with magical powers. All these things are our replacements for the Love of God. All these things are cherished to ensure a body identification. They are songs of praise to the ego.

Only the Love of God will protect us in all circumstances. It will lift us out of every trial, raise us high above all the perceived dangers of this world into a place of perfect peace. Where nothing can threaten, disturb, or intrude on the eternal calm of God. Do not put our faith in illusions. They will fail us. We must put our faith in the Love of God within us; eternal, changeless and forever unfailing. This is the answer to whatever confronts us. Through the Love of God within us, we can resolve all difficulties effortlessly, easily and with confidence. This is our acknowledgement of the truth about us. We are sustained by the Love of God. Get the CD, "PROSPERITY"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"God's Voice speaks to us."

"The part of our mind in which truth exists is in constant communication with God, whether we are aware of it or not. It is the other part of our mind that functions in the world and obeys the world's laws. It is this part that is constantly distracted, disorganized and uncertain. The part that is listening to God's Voice is calm, always at rest and wholly certain. It is really the only part there is. Today listen to it. Where stillness and peace reign forever. As we hear God's Voice call to us lovingly, reminding us that our Creator has not forgotten us. So, lets sink deep into the peace that waits for us beyond the frantic, riotous thoughts, sights and sounds of this insane world. Lets reach for God." Listen to the CD, "HEALING; SPIRIT, MIND AND BODY"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"There is nothing to fear..."

"simply states a fact. It is not a fact to those people who believe in illusions, but illusions are not facts. In truth there is nothing to fear. It is very, very easy to recognize this. But it is very difficult to recognize it for those of us who want illusions to be true. The presence of fear is a sign that we are trusting in our own strength. The awareness that there is nothing to fear shows that somewhere in our minds, though not necessarily in a place we recognize as yet, we have remembered God, and let God's Strength take the place of our weaknesses. The instant we are willing to do this there is nothing to fear." Listen to the CD, "ELIMINATE GUILT"

Monday, December 7, 2009

"God is the Strength in which we trust."

"When we are trusting in our own strength, we have every reason to be apprehensive, anxious and fearful. What can we predict or control? What is there in us that can be counted on? What would give us the ability to be aware of all the facets of any issue, and to resolve them in such a way that only good can be the result? What is there in us that enables us to recognize the correct solution, and guarantees successful accomplishment? By ourselves we can do none of these things. To believe that we can is to put our trust where trust is unwarranted, and to justify fear, anxiety, depression, anger and sorrow. Who can put faith in weaknesses and feel safe? Who can put faith in strength and feel weak?

God is our safety in every circumstance. God's Voice speaks for God in all situations and in every aspect of all situations, telling us exactly what to do to call upon God's strength and protection. There are no exceptions because God has no exceptions. And the Voice which speaks for God thinks as God does. We must past through our own weakness to the Source of real strength. God is the Strength in which we trust." Get the CD, "ELIMINATE FEAR OF SUCCESS"

Sunday, December 6, 2009

"God is the Love in which we forgive."

"God does not forgive because God has never condemned. There must be condemnation before forgiveness is necessary. Forgiveness is the great need of this world, because it is a world of illusions. People who forgive are releasing themselves from illusions, people who withhold forgiveness are binding themselves to them. Since we condemn only ourselves, so do we forgive only ourselves. Although God does not forgive, God's Love is the basis of forgiveness. Fear condemns and love forgives. Forgiveness undoes what fear has produced, returning the mind to the awareness of God. For this reason, forgiveness can truly be called salvation. It is the means by which illusions disappear. Therefore, God is the Love in which we forgive ourselves. Listen to CD, "FORGIVENESS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS" @

Saturday, December 5, 2009

"God is the Mind..."

"...with which we think. ...our real thoughts are. They are not what we think we think, just as nothing that we think we see is related to vision. There is no relationship between what is real and what we think is real. We think with the Mind of God. Therefore we share our thoughts with God, as God shares God's with us. They are the same thoughts, because they are thought by the same Mind. To share is to make alike, or to make one. Nor do the thoughts we think with the Mind of God leave our minds, because thoughts do not leave their source. Our thoughts are in the Mind of God, as we are. They are in our minds as well, where God is. As we are part of God's Mind, so are our thoughts part of God's Mind.

That which is thought by the Mind of God is eternal, being part of creation. We will not let the thoughts of the world hold us back. We will not let the beliefs of the world tell us that what God will have us do is impossible. Instead, we will recognize that only what God would have us do is possible. What God would have us do is what we want to do. It is the will of God." Obtain the CD, "MIND POWER" from

Friday, December 4, 2009

"God is the Light in which we see."

"We cannot see in darkness, and we cannot make light. We can make darkness and then think we see in it, but light reflects life, and is therefore an aspect of creation. Creation and darkness cannot coexist, but light and life must go together, being different aspects of creation. In order to see, we must recognize the light is within us, not without. We do not see outside ourselves, nor is the equipment for seeing outside off us. An essential part of that equipment is the light that makes seeing possible. It is with us always, making vision possible in every circumstance. God is the Light in which we see." Listen to the CD, "HEALING THE FAMILY TREE."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"God is our Source"

"Perception is not an attribute of God. God is the realm of knowledge. Yet God has created the Holy Spirit as the Mediator between perception and knowledge. Absent this link with God, perception would have replaced knowledge forever in our minds. With this link with God, perception becomes changed and purified and leads to knowledge. That is the function of truth.

Perception has no function in God, and does not exist. Salvation, the undoing of what never was, perception has a mighty purpose. Made by the son of God, it must become the means for the restoration of holiness and awareness. Perception has no meaning. Healed perception becomes the means by which we forgive our brothers and sisters, thus forgiving ourselves.

We cannot see apart from God because we cannot be apart from God. Whatever we do we do in God, because whatever we think, we think with his mind. If vision is real, and it is real to the extent to which it shares God's purpose, then we cannot see apart from God." Listen to the CD, "HEALING, SPIRIT, MIND AND BODY"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"God is our Strength."

"God is our Strength. Vision is his gift to us. A combination of two powerful thoughts of a Cause and Effect relationship. It is the Will of God. It is God's Strength, not our own, that gives us power. And it is God's gift, rather than our own, that offers Vision to us. God is indeed our Strength, and what He gives is truly given. This means we can receive it anytime and anywhere, wherever we are, and in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. Our passage through time and space is not at random. We are always in the right place at the right time. Such is the Strength of God. Such are his gifts. Vision must be possible. God gives truly. God's gifts to us must be ours, because he gives them to us." Listen to the CD, "PERSONAL EXCELLENCE"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"God goes with us"

"Depression is an inevitable consequence of separation from God. So are anxiety, worry, a deep sense of helplessness, misery, suffering and an intense fear of loss. Separated people have invented many cures for what they believe to be "the ills of the world." The thing they do not do is question the reality of the problem. The effects cannot be cured because the problem is not real. We have the power to end all this foolishness forever. Despite the serious and tragic forms it may take. Deep within us is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through us and out into the world. It will cure all sorrow, all pain, all fear and all loss because it will heal the mind that throught these things were real, and suffered out of allegiance to them.

We can never be deprived of our perfect holiness because its Source goes with us wherever we go. We can never suffer because the Source of all joy goes with us wherever we go. We can never be alone because the Source of all life goes with us wherever we go. Nothing can destroy our peace of mind because God goes with us wherever we go. It is possible to reach God. It is very easy, because it is the most natural thing in the world. We might say it is the only natural thing in the world. The way will open, if we believe that it is possible." Listen to the CD, "FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS"

Monday, November 30, 2009

Child of God

"We are blessed as children of God. These are happy things to which we are entitled, being what we are. We may repeat this phrase to ourselves, while thinking of several of the attributes we associate with being a child of God. One may say; "I am blessed as a child of God. I am happy, peaceful, loving and contented." Or one may say; "I am blessed as a child of God. I am calm, quiet, assured and confident." Or just tell ourselves; "I am blessed as a child of God." Are we not?" Obtain the CD entitled, "INFINITE POWER"

Sunday, November 29, 2009


"If guilt is hell, what is the opposite? The hesitation we may feel in answering is not due to the ambiguity of the question. But do we believe that guilt is hell? If we did, we would see at once how direct and simple the holy writings. We do not need practice to gain what is already ours. We have already said that our holiness is the salvation of the world. What about our own salvation? We cannot give what we do not have. A savior must be saved. How else can they teach salvation? Recognizing our salvation is crucial to the salvation of the world. Our holiness is the answer to every question that was ever asked, is being asked now, or will be asked in the future. Our holiness means the end of guilt, and therefore the end of hell. Our holiness is the salvation of the world, and our own. How could we to whom our holiness belong be excluded from it? God does not know unholiness. If guilt is hell, what is the answer? Our holiness is our salvation from this." Get the CD; "ELIMINATE GUILT" @

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Holiness

"Our holiness reverses all the laws of the world. It is beyond every restriction of time, space, distance and limits of any kind. Our holiness is totally unlimited in its power because it establishes us as children of God, at one with the mind of the Creator.

Through our holiness the power of God is manifest. Through our holiness the power of God is made available. And there is nothing the power of God cannot do. Our holiness, then, can remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems. It can do so in connection with ourselves and with everyone else. It is equal in its power to help everyone because it is equal in its power to save everyone.

If we are holy, so is everything God created. We are holy because all things He created are holy. And all things He created are holy because we are. There is nothing our holiness cannot do because the power of God lies in it." Utilize, "ELIMINATE GUILT"

Friday, November 27, 2009

"Our holiness blesses the world..."

"...glimmerings of our true function in the world, or why are we here. Our purpose is to see the world through our own holiness. ...we and the world blessed together. No one loses; nothing is taken away from anyone; everyone gains through our holy vision. Signifying the end of sacrifice because it offers everyone their full due. Our holiness blesses us by asking nothing of us. PEOPLE WHO SEE THEMSELVES AS WHOLE MAKE NO DEMANDS. Our holiness is the salvation of the world. It lets us teach the world that it is one with us, not by preaching to it, not by telling it anything, but merely by our quiet recognition that in our holiness are all things blessed along with us. Listen to, "HEALING THE FAMILY TREE"

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Perceiver to the perceived

"...perceiver to the perceived. We are holy because our mind is part of God's. And because we are holy, our sight must be holy as well. "Sinless" means without sin. We cannot be without sin a little. We are sinless or not. If our mind is part of God's we must be sinless, or a part of God's mind would be sinful. Our sight is related to God's holiness, not to our ego, and therefore not to our body." Listen to, "HEALING; SPIRIT, MIND, AND BODY" @

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We are Holy

"Does not describe the way we see ourselves now. ...describe what vision will show us. We believe that we are part of where we think we are. Because we surround ourselves with the environment we want. And we want it to protect the images of ourselves that we have made. The images are part of this environment. This idea presents a different view of ourselves. By establishing our Source it establishes our identity, and it describes us as we must really be in truth. All the ego-based attributes which we ascribe to ourselves, positive or negative, desirable or undesirable, grandiose or debased. All of them are equally unreal, because we do not look upon ourselves through the eyes of holiness. So, lets recognize the direction of our fantasies about ourselves does not matter. Illusions have no direction in reality. They are merely not true." Listen to "MIND POWER"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Peace Instead

...this. Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter. It must begin with our own thoughts, and then extend outward. It is from our peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world projects. Today search our minds for fear thoughts, anxiety-provoking situations, offending personalities or events, or anything else about which we are harboring negative thoughts. Let each one go, to be replaced by love. As we say, "I could see peace in this situation instead of what I now see in it." We can also tell ourselves; "I can replace my feelings of depression anxiety or worry (or my thoughts about this situation, personality or event) with peace." Obtain "Infinite Power" @

Monday, November 23, 2009

Looking at the world

"...recognize that we can shift our perception of the world in both its outer and inner aspects. Surveying our outer and inner perceptions, without an abrupt sense of shift. Merely glance casually around the world we perceive as outside ourselves, then close our eyes and survey our inner thoughts with equal casualness. Remain equally uninvolved in both, and to maintain this detachment as we repeat to ourselves throughout today; "There is another way of looking at the world." Today take a minute or so to sit quietly and repeat the idea to ourselves several times." Obtain "Forgiveness" @

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cause and Effect

"...of cause and effect. We are not the victims of the world we see because we invented it. We can give it up as easily as we made it up. We will see it or not see it, as we wish. While we want it we will see it; when we no longer want it, it will not be there for us to see. ...applies to our inner and outer worlds, which are actually the same. ...are in our own imagination. We have invented this situation as we see it." Get - "Concentration Power" from;

Saturday, November 21, 2009


"This idea should be applied to the world we see without and the world we see within. As we survey our inner world, let whatever thoughts cross our minds come into our awareness, consider each for a brief moment, then let it go for the next thought. Do not give any significant importance to any of these thoughts. Let them come and go as dispassionately as possible. Do not dwell on any one thought in particular, let the stream move along evenly and calmly, without any special investment on our part. Remember we are making a declaration of our independence in the name of our freedom. IN OUR FREEDOM LIES THE FREEDOM OF THE WORLD." Use - "MIND POWER" from

Friday, November 20, 2009

Real Vision

"...we are trying to see in the world what is in our minds, and what we want to recognize is there. We are trying to join with what we see, rather than keeping it apart from us. That is the fundamental difference between vision and the way we see. This applies to everything we do see now, or could see now if it were within the range of our sight. REAL VISION is not limited to concepts such as "near" and "far." ...think of things beyond our present range as well as those we can actually see, as we apply this thought. REAL VISION is not only unlimited by space and distance, but it does not depend on the body's eyes. The mind is its only source." Listen to - "Infinite Power" @

Thursday, November 19, 2009


"... why we can see all purpose in everything. Nothing is separate, by itself or in itself. This is the whole basis for vision. To look upon all things with love, appreciation and an open mind. Things are not as they appear to us. Their holy purpose stand just beyond our little range. When vision has shown us the holiness that lights up the world, we will understand this idea perfectly." Obtain - "Infinite Power" @

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

See Differently

"...We see a lot of separate things around us, which really means we are not seeing at all. We either see or not. When we have seen one thing differently, we will see all things differently. The light we will see in any one of them is the same light we will see in all of them. We are making a commitment to withdraw our preconceived ideas about e. g. a cup, and open our mind to what it is, and what it is for. We are not defining it in past terms. We are asking what it is, rather than telling it what it is." use- "Mind Power" at

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


"...expresses something more than mere determination. It gives vision priority among our desires. There may be a great temptation to think that some sort of sacrifice is needed when we say, above all else we want to see. It should be noted that vision has no cost to anyone - it can only Bless. So, ask ourselves, how much do we want to see above all else?"

Monday, November 16, 2009

Result of Our Thoughts.

"...Nothing except our thoughts can attack us. Nothing except our thoughts can make us think we are vulnerable. And nothing except our thoughts can prove to us this is not so."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Attack Thoughts

"...attack thoughts must entail the belief that we are vulnerable, their effect is to weaken us in our own eyes. Thus, they have attacked our perception of ourselves. Because we believe in them, we can no longer believe in ourselves. A false image of ourselves has taken the place of who we are."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Attack Thoughts

"... because our attack thoughts are projected, we fear attack thoughts. If we fear attack, we must believe that we are not invulnerable. Attack thoughts make us vulnerable in our own mind, which is where the attack thoughts are. Attack thoughts and invulnerability cannot be accepted together. They contradict each other."

Friday, November 13, 2009


"Obviously if we can be attacked we are not invulnerable. We see attack as a real threat. Because we believe that we can really attack. What would have effects through us would have effects on us. It is this knowledge that would ultimately save us, but we are misusing it now. We must learn how it can be used for our own best interests, rather than against us."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Purpose is Meaning.

"...explains why nothing we see means anything. We do not know what it is for. Therefore it is meaningless to us. Everything is for our own best interest. That is what it is for; that is it's purpose; that is what it means. It is in recognizing this that our goals become unified. It is in recognizing this that what we see is given meaning. We perceive the world and everything in it as meaningful in terms of our ego goals. These goals have nothing to do with our own best interest, because the ego is not us. This false identification makes us incapable of understanding what anything is for."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our own best interest.

...In no situation that arise do we realize the outcome that would make us happy. Therefore, we have no guide to appropriate action, and no way of judging the result. What we do is determined by our perception of the situation, and our perception is wrong. It is inevitable, then, that we will not serve our own best interest."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Inner Peace

"...because it's cause can be changed. This change requires, that the cause be identified and then let go, so that it be replaced. This process requires our cooperation and undivided attention."
Bless Your Sacred Heart.

Monday, November 9, 2009

"We see the world that we have made..."

...but we do not see ourselves as the image-maker. We cannot be saved from the world, but we can escape from its cause. Where is the world we see when its cause is gone? Vision already has a replacement for everything we think we see now. Loveliness can light our images, and transform them that we will love them, even though they were made of hate. Hate is LOVE!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The World

The world we see is a vengeful world, and everything in it is a symbol of vengeance. Each of our perceptions of "external reality" is a pictorial representation of our own attack thoughts. One may ask if this can be called seeing? Would fantasy not be a better word for such a process, and hallucination a more appropriate term for the results?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Cause and Effect"

If the cause of the world we see is attack thoughts, we must realize that it is these thoughts we do not want. There is no point in lamenting the world. There is no point in trying to change the world. The world is incapable of change because it is merely an effect. Indeed, there is a reason in changing our thoughts about the world. In changing our thoughts (cause) > We will change our perception (effect) automatically.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Schedule Personal Breakthrough Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP Coaching, Inner Peace/Reiki Healing Session-Today

Schedule your Personal Breakthrough Therapy, NLP Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Inner Peace and Reiki Healing session: Areas of Benefit: Smoking Cessation, Weight Reduction, Stress Reduction, Self-Confidence, Pain Control, Improved Relationships, Improved Study Habits, Self-Improvement, Enhance Creativity, Relaxation Techniques. Meditation Techniques, Forgiveness. You may request your desired area of change, learning, behavior or improvement you want or need.

Contact: Jean-Luc D'Abreau - Email or Phone: 951-255-8127
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“Your presentation was extremely timely, and very appropriate for our management team, from which we all benefited professionally and personally. We were experiencing many changes and challenges…You equipped us to proactively manage these challenges.”

Robb D. Quincey, PhD.
Chief Executive Officer, General Manager,
Chino Basin Municipal Water District

"Without reservation, I recommend Mr. Jean D'Abreau. His genius is his ability to touch the core of the individual. He possess leadership and management abilities mastered over years garnered from performing a myriad variety of positions of responsibility. I encourage individuals, teams, companies, large and small, to avail themselves of the skills he can share making the recipient(s) higher quality performers."

Maria Y. Nguyen
The Baumann Corporation

"I want to commend the excellence of your work with our Staff. The results of our organizational and personal development have been impressive. We have begun to translate increses in operating efficiency and effectiveness into bottom line performance."

Randall Slade, MBA.
Courts & Records Federal Credit Union

“Since I started therapy with Jean-Luc D’Abreau and listening to his CD’s, I have been able to dominate my fears. I was afraid of many things and allowed myself to be battered and abused. Where I would have retrieved and allowed myself to be dominated, now I stand up and say NO more. In the past I would actually quiver when I spoke where there were more than four people. Now I can speak in front of large crowds with confidence and poise.”

Patricia Pantoja
Supervisor, Riverside County DPSS
Riverside, CA

“You are an impassionate speaker who knows how to read your audience and are willing to share your talents…and help your audiences…find self-empowerment and fulfillment. …you keep the audience on the edge of their seats and they are literally begging for more. You are a brilliant strategist... creating order out of chaos and harmony out of disharmony with your passion. I personally rank you in the top one percent of motivational speakers in the world.”

Michael J. Bayne, JD
Assistant Executive Officer
Consolidated Superior/Municipal Courts
Of Riverside County, CA

“I am very excited about my personal development over the past year or so, and so I am writing to thank you for your wonderful products. I have found them to be instrumental in making a mental shift towards greater focus, a positive outlook, and greater happiness. Although helpful, I found that it was not enough to merely read and listen to a mountain of inspirational material. I started listening to your CD’s, at which point it just sort of happened effortlessly. For me, the “Eliminate Fear of Success” CD was the most profound.

Within one week of listening to it in the background, I went from staring at my computer screen, unable to force myself to concentrate on my work, to being totally driven and focused. I suddenly found myself conversing and doing business with a national developer, and I haven’t looked back since. My co-workers wondered what came over me! I emerged with optimism, confidence, a ton of gratitude, and more empathy. And life is suddenly a lot of fun.”

Joan McCullough
Investor, Riverside, CA

To Whom It May Concern:

"I have spoken with Jean-Luc D'Abreau as a therapist, and he has assisted me on a personal and professional level. I have personally used the products developed by Jean-Luc D'Abreau, and they have helped me tremendously. I would highly recommend Jean-Luc D'Abreau as a therapist and would further highly recommend the use of the products he has developed."

"Jean-Luc is a dynamic speaker. He is inspiring and you certainly will benefit attending his program. He will help you overcome your fears and will help you succeed."

Suzanne M. Graves, Atty.
Law Offices of Suzanne M. Graves, Inc.
Upland, CA

"...from past workshops I went to, I can say that Jean-Luc is a lot of fun. You will feel rock the world. Jean-Luc is a pleasure to listen to. His energy will lift you up AND help you to remember your potential for success via all of his vast knowledge. Go and enjoy Jean-Luc."

Karen Croley
Life Coach
Morro Bay, CA

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You Will Learn How:
To go from where you are to where you want to be
Overcome your negative programming
Achieve the good life
Manage your destiny

Make Stress Work for You

This “Yes to stress” program focuses on the positive aspects of stress. You learn techniques to avoid the peaks and valleys of productivity created by high stress and burnout.

You Will Learn How:
To develop and use relationship coping resources
Use effective stress management techniques
Develop a proactive strategy to use change to your advantage

Unleash Your Personal Excellence

This program shows you how to unlock your latent productive communication and relationship skills. Personal and professional success lies in understanding self, understanding others and realizing the impact of personal behavior on those around you.

You Will Learn How:
To discover behavioral strengths and value the strengths of others
Develop strategies to meet diverse needs
Manage effectively by fostering teamwork

Organizational Development

Make Cultural Diversity Work for Your Organization

This values-based program empowers you to sharpen your insight, take action and value individual differences in our culturally diverse community.

You Will Learn How:
To embrace diversity as a source of organizational strength
Transform natural fear into knowledge and acceptance
Create a nonjudgmental common language for exploring awareness, attitudes and behavior related to diversity

Ignite Your Team’s Power

This innovative approach to team building taps into your team’s creative power. Your managers will achieve high-performance team results through effective individual contributions.

You Will Learn How:
To inspire your team to creative action
Identify individual strengths and approaches to teamwork
Reduce project slack and increase productivity

Create Effective Bridge Leaders

This skill for leaders program enables employees to capitalize on their untapped potential and create committed stakeholders at all levels of an organization.

You Will Learn How:
To create disciples in shared leadership
Match leadership approaches to organizational needs
Meet the challenges of today’s team-oriented workplace

Schedule a Personal Breakthrough Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP Coaching, Inner Peace/Reiki Healing Session-Today.

World Peace through Inner Peace

The objective of achievsarima is to give us the methodology and the strategies to develop World Peace and Inner Peace through Forgiveness.

There are seven major categories, areas of influence or desired outcomes in our lives. They are Spiritual, Mental, Social, Career, Physical, Family and Financial. Achievsarima is an Integral Programming process that facilitates the successful accomplishment of our desired outcomes. By using the major energy points on the human body, charkas and assigning each an area of influence. These enable us to unlock the power of our unconscious mind, taking a quantum leap toward excellence and maximizing our performance.

Beliefs and values are the foundation of successful outcomes. Beliefs and values enable us to stick to our vision and goals when no one else can see our dreams. We already have all the resources we need. What we need to do is access these resources at the appropriate times and places, resulting in well-formed outcomes, Inner Peace.

We cannot give to the world what we do not possess. It is imperative we develop the competencies that will enable us to achieve peace of mind, culminating in world peace. World peace requires the willingness to examine – gently and patiently – every aspect of our ego through systems that seek to conceal the light, most especially our resistance to this very light.

When we know that we have everything, and therefore need nothing, then everything come to us effortlessly, effectively, automatically, efficiently, instantaneously.