Tuesday, March 31, 2009



“Your presentation was extremely timely, and very appropriate for our management team, from which we all benefited professionally and personally. We were experiencing many changes and challenges…You equipped us to proactively manage these challenges.”

Robb D. Quincey, PhD.
Chief Executive Officer, General Manager,
Chino Basin Municipal Water District

"Without reservation, I recommend Mr. Jean D'Abreau. His genius is his ability to touch the core of the individual. He possess leadership and management abilities mastered over years garnered from performing a myriad variety of positions of responsibility. I encourage individuals, teams, companies, large and small, to avail themselves of the skills he can share making the recipient(s) higher quality performers."

Maria Y. Nguyen
The Baumann Corporation

"I want to commend the excellence of your work with our Staff. The results of our organizational and personal development have been impressive. We have begun to translate increses in operating efficiency and effectiveness into bottom line performance."

Randall Slade, MBA.
Courts & Records Federal Credit Union

“Since I started therapy with Jean-Luc D’Abreau and listening to his CD’s, I have been able to dominate my fears. I was afraid of many things and allowed myself to be battered and abused. Where I would have retrieved and allowed myself to be dominated, now I stand up and say NO more. In the past I would actually quiver when I spoke where there were more than four people. Now I can speak in front of large crowds with confidence and poise.”

Patricia Pantoja
Supervisor, Riverside County DPSS
Riverside, CA

“You are an impassionate speaker who knows how to read your audience and are willing to share your talents…and help your audiences…find self-empowerment and fulfillment. …you keep the audience on the edge of their seats and they are literally begging for more. You are a brilliant strategist... creating order out of chaos and harmony out of disharmony with your passion. I personally rank you in the top one percent of motivational speakers in the world.”

Michael J. Bayne, JD
Assistant Executive Officer
Consolidated Superior/Municipal Courts
Of Riverside County, CA

“I am very excited about my personal development over the past year or so, and so I am writing to thank you for your wonderful peakform.net products. I have found them to be instrumental in making a mental shift towards greater focus, a positive outlook, and greater happiness. Although helpful, I found that it was not enough to merely read and listen to a mountain of inspirational material. I started listening to your CD’s, at which point it just sort of happened effortlessly. For me, the “Eliminate Fear of Success” CD was the most profound.

Within one week of listening to it in the background, I went from staring at my computer screen, unable to force myself to concentrate on my work, to being totally driven and focused. I suddenly found myself conversing and doing business with a national developer, and I haven’t looked back since. My co-workers wondered what came over me! I emerged with optimism, confidence, a ton of gratitude, and more empathy. And life is suddenly a lot of fun.”

Joan McCullough
Investor, Riverside, CA

To Whom It May Concern:

"I have spoken with Jean-Luc D'Abreau as a therapist, and he has assisted me on a personal and professional level. I have personally used the products developed by Jean-Luc D'Abreau, and they have helped me tremendously. I would highly recommend Jean-Luc D'Abreau as a therapist and would further highly recommend the use of the products he has developed."

"Jean-Luc is a dynamic speaker. He is inspiring and you certainly will benefit attending his program. He will help you overcome your fears and will help you succeed."

Suzanne M. Graves, Atty.
Law Offices of Suzanne M. Graves, Inc.
Upland, CA

"...from past workshops I went to, I can say that Jean-Luc is a lot of fun. You will feel uplifted...to rock the world. Jean-Luc is a pleasure to listen to. His energy will lift you up AND help you to remember your potential for success via all of his vast knowledge. Go and enjoy Jean-Luc."

Karen Croley
Life Coach
Morro Bay, CA

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