Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I will walk with God in perfect holiness, makes the thought of sin impossible.  It promises there is no cause for guilt, and being causeless it does not exist.  If this is true, how can I be apart from God?  How could I walk the world alone and separate from God?

Truth must be true throughout, if it is true.  It cannot contradict itself, nor be in parts uncertain and in others sure.  I cannot walk the world apart from God, because I could not be without Him.  He is what my life is.  Where I am He is.  There is one life. The life I share with Him.  Nothing can be apart from God and live.  

There is a light in me which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified  because of me.  All things that live bring gifts to me, and offer them in gratitude and gladness at my feet.  The light in me is what the universe longs to behold.  All living things are still before me, because they recognize Who walks with me.  The light I carry is their own.  Thus they see in me their holiness, saluting me as savior and as God. 

As I step back, the light in me steps forward and encompasses the world.  I have wasted many, many years on just foolish thoughts.  The past is gone, with all its fantasies.  They do not bound me any more.  "Who walks with me?"   Should be asked a thousand times a day, till certainty has ended doubting and established peace.  God speaks to me with these words:  "I will walk with God in perfect holiness.  I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me."  jean-lucdabreau.com 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I do not change my appearance, though I smile more frequently.  My forehead is serene; my eyes are quiet.  This world is an illusion.  Those who choose to come to it are looking for a place where they can be illusions, and avoid their own reality.  Then they can step back and let God lead the way.  What other choice is really theirs to make?  To let illusions walk ahead of truth is madness.  To let the truth stand forth as what it is, is merely sanity.

The mad illusion will remain awhile in evidence, for those who look upon who chose to come.  If truth demanded they give up the world, it would appear to them as if it asked the sacrifice of something that is real.  For sacrifice and deprivation both are quickly left behind.  Illusion will appear to cling to you.  Yet it has stepped back.  For the truth, which walks ahead of you, speak to them through illusions, the road leads past illusion now and they may follow you.

Sacrifice and deprivation are paths that lead nowhere, choices for defeat, and aims that will remain impossible.  We will step back as truth comes forward in us, to lead our brothers and sisters from the ways of death,  and set them on the way to happiness.  Such is salvation's call, and nothing more.  It asks that we accept the truth, and let it go before us, lighting up the path of ransom from illusion.  It is not a ransom with a price.  There is no cost, but only gain.

At the journey's ending there will be no gap, no distance between truth and us.  All illusions walking in the way we travelled will be gone from us as well, with nothing left to keep the truth apart from God's completion, holy as Himself.  Kindly, step back in faith and let truth lead the way.  We do not know where we are going.  But One who knows goes with us.  Let Him lead us with the rest.  As truth goes before us, so it goes before our brothers and sisters who will follow us.

We walk to God.  Pause and reflect on this.  Could any way be holier, or more deserving of our effort, of our love and of our full intent?  We walk to God.  The truth that walks before us now is one with Him, and leads us to where He has always been.  Our feet are safely set upon that road that leads the world to God.  Do not look to ways that seem to lead us elsewhere.  Dreams are not a worthy guide for us who are God's children.  "I will step back and let God lead the way, that I would walk along the road to God."   Visit; www.dabreaufoundation.org

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


This day be not arrogant nor falsely humble.  We cannot judge our worth, nor can we know what role is best for us.  Our part is cast in Heaven, not in hell.  What we think is weakness can be strength; what we believe to be our strength is often arrogance.  Our appointed role was selected by the Creator.  Thus seeing our  strength  exactly as they are are, and equally aware of where they can be best applied, for what, to whom and when.

It is through our ability to hear God's voice that we become aware there is one Voice in us.  That one Voice appoints our function, as ministers of God, and relays it to us, giving us the strength to understand it, do what it entails, and to succeed in everything we do that is related to it.  Through the Voice of God, of Father and of Son, sets apart  salvation from this world.  It is His Voice which speaks of laws the world does not obey; Which promises salvation from all sin, and abolished guilt from the mind that God created sinless. 

There is a major difference in the role of Heaven's messengers, which sets them apart from those the world appoints.  The messages they deliver are intended fist for them.  Being earthly messengers, they did not write the messages they bear, however, they become their first receivers in the truest sense, receiving to prepare  themselves to give.  An earthly messenger fulfills his role by giving all his messages away.  The messengers of God perform their part by their acceptance of His messages for themselves, and show they understand the messages by giving them away.  The do not choose any roles that are not given by God's authority.  They gain by every message that they give away.

Would you receive the messages of God?  That you may become His messenger.  You are now appointed.  We cannot receive and understand what we receive until we give.  For it is in the giving that we receive.  We who are now the messengers of God, receive His messages.  That is part of our appointed role.  Join in one Voice the getting and giving of God's Word; the giving and receiving of His Will.

Remembering; We are among the ministers of God, we are grateful that we have the means by which to recognize that we are FREE. www.dabreaufoundation.org

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Those of us who feel threatened by this changing world, its twists of fortune and its bitter jests, its brief relationships and all the gifts it merely lends to take away again.  This world provides no safety.  It is rooted in attack, and all its gifts of seeming safety are illusory deceptions.  This world attacks, and then attacks again.  This gives rise to defensiveness.  Thus, it brings anger, anger makes attack seem reasonable, honestly provoked, and righteous in the name of self-defense.The weak are undermined, there is treachery and greater treachery within.  Our minds are now confused, and does not know where to turn to find escape from its imaginings.

Attack, defense, defense, attack, become the circles of the hours and the days that bind the mind in heavy bands of steel with iron overlaid, returning to start again.  Defenses are the costliest of all the prices which the ego would exact.  There lies madness in a form so grim that hope of sanity seems to be an idle dream, beyond the possible.  We are its slaves.  We do not understand how much we have sacrifice. By our defenseiveness we sabotage the holy peace of God.  We look at the Son of God as  a victim to attack by our fantasies, by our dreams, by illusions we have made; helpless in their presence, needful of defense by more fantasies, and dreams by which illusions of our safety comfort us.

Defenselessness is strength.  It testifies to recognition of the Christ in us.  It can never be attacked, because it recognizes strength so great attack is folly, or a silly game a tired child might play, when he becomes too sleepy to remember what he wants.  Defensiveness is weakness.  It says we have denied the Christ and come to fear His Father's anger.  Illusions cannot defend us now, when it is illusions that we fight.  Our true purpose is to save the world, and we would not exchange for foolishness the endless joy our function offers us.

Let us look past dreams today, recognize we need no defense because we are created unassailable, without all thoughts or wish or dream in which attack has any meaning.  In defenselessness we stand secure, serenely certain of our safety, sure of salvation;   sure we will fulfil our chosen purpose, as we extend our holy blessing through the world. If you fail to teach what you have learned, salvation waits and darkness holds the world in grim imprisonment.  Now a quiet time has come, in which we put away the toys of guilt, and lock our quaint and childish thoughts of sin forever from the pure and holy minds of Heaven's children and the Son of God.

Our theme for today, our defenselessness.  We remain strong in Christ, and let our weakness disappear, as we remember that His strength abides in us.  We will remind ourselves that Christ remains beside us through the day, and does not leave our weakness unsupported by His strength.  Let us look on Christ and see His sinlessness. Visit  us at; In our defenselessness our safety lies


This is a day of silence and of trust.  It is a time Heaven has set apart to shine upon, and cast a timeless light upon this day.  This day is holy, for it ushers in a new experience; a different kind of feeling and awareness.  Today we will learn to feel the joy of life.  It brings us to the door where learning ceases, and we catch a glimpse of what lies past the highest reaches it can possibly attain.

Today we will feel a touch of Heaven, though we will return to paths of learning.  What we ask for now is what God wills.  We have joined our will with God's this day, what we are asking must be given to us.  Our ministry takes on a genuine devotion, and a glow that travels from our fingertips to those we touch, and blesses those we look upon.   Our vision reaches everyone we meet, and everyone we think of, or who thinks of us.  Our experiences will transform our minds that they become the touchstone for the holy Thoughts of God.

Our only purpose being now to bring vision of what we experience this day to light the world.  We who bring it light will come to see the light more sure; the vision more distinct.  Today we will embark upon a course we have not dreamed of.  The Holy One, the Giver of the happy dreams of life, Translator of perception into truth, the holy Guide to Heaven given us.  Into God's Presence will we enter now, serenely unaware of everything except God's shining face and perfect LOVE.  