Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Grace is an aspect of the Love of God like the state prevailing in the unity of truth.  It is the world's most lofty aspiration that leads beyond the world entirely.  It is past learning, yet it is the goal of learning, as grace cannot come until the mind prepares itself for true acceptance.  Grace becomes inevitable instantly for those who have prepared a table where it can be gently laid and willingly received; an alter clean and holy for the gift.  

Grace is acceptance of the Love of God within a world of seeming hate and fear.  Grace presents a state opposite to everything the world contains, so that those whose minds are lighted by the gift of grace can not believe the world of fear is real.  

Grace is not learned.  You are urged to bear witness to the Word of God to hasten the experience of truth.  Oneness is simply the idea God is.  In His being, He encompasses all things.  Our minds hold Him.  One says "God is," and we cease to speak, for words are meaningless.  Mind has united with its Source.  Like its Source Itself, it merely is.  

Eternity remains a constant state.  Thus forgiveness, taught and learned, brings with it the experiences which bear witness that the time the mind itself determined  to abandon is now at hand.  There is no need to further clarify what no one in the world can understand.  When revelation of our oneness comes, it will be known and fully understood.

Forgiveness is the central theme that runs throughout salvation, holding all its parts in meaningful relationships.  We ask for grace, the final gift salvation can bestow.  We ask for grace, and the experience that comes from grace.   We do not ask for the impossible.  We do not look beyond what grace can give. I live by grace.  I am released by grace.   www.jean-lucdabreau.com      

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


God speaks to us.  Shall we not speak to Him?  He is not distant.  He makes no attempt to hide from us.  We try to hide from Him, and suffer from deception.  He remains entirely accessible.  He Loves us His children.  He will Love us forever.

If we only knew the meaning of His Love, hope and despair would be impossible.  Hope would be forever satisfied; despair of any kind unthinkable.  His grace His answer is to all despair, for in it lies remembrance of His Love.   We ask of God the gift He has most carefully preserved within our hearts, waiting to be acknowledged.  The gift by which God leans to us and lifts us up, taking salvation's final step Himself.  His gift of grace is more than just an answer.  It restores all memories the sleeping mind forgot; all certainty of what Love's meaning is.    

 God loves His children.  In grace we see a light covers all the world in love, and watch fear disappear from every face as hearts rise up and claim the light as theirs. I receive what has been given me.  My faith lies in the giver.

To Him we pray today.  For what He has prepared for us He gives and we receive.  This is the Will of God, because He loves His children.  To Him we pray this day, returning the word He gave us through His Own Voice, His word, His Love:
"Lord, Your grace is given me.  I claim it now.  Father I come to You.  And You will come to me who ask.  I am the Son You love."   www.jean-lucdabreau.com

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


There is one life, like the truth.  There are no degrees. All that God created is shared.  Like all His Thoughts, there are no opposites.  There is no death because what God created shares His Life.  An opposite to God does not exist.  The Father and the Son are one.  

In this world there appears a state that is life's opposite.  The world calls it death.   The idea of death takes many forms.  All sorrow, loss, anxiety and suffering and pain, even a sigh of weariness, a slight discomfort or a merest frown, acknowledge death.  One thinks that death is of the body.  A thought is in the mind.  It can be applied as the mind directs it.  Its origin is where it must be changed, if change occurs.  Change our thoughts, change our minds about ourselves.  It is the reason we can heal.  It is the cause of healing.  It is why we cannot die.  Its truth established us as one with God.  

Death is the thought that we are separate from our creator.  The belief conditions change, emotions alternate because of causes we cannot control, we did not make, and we can never change.  The mind can think it sleeps, that is all.  It cannot change what is its waking state.  It cannot make a body, nor abide within a body.  What id alien to the mind does not exist, because it has no source.  The mind creates all things that are, and cannot give them attributes it lacks, nor change its own eternal, mindful state.
The opposite of life can only be another form of life.  It can be reconciled with what created it, because it is not opposite in truth.  Its form may change; it may appear to be what it is not.  God creates only mind awake.  He does not sleep, and His creation cannot share  what He does not give, nor make conditions which does not share with them.  Thoughts of God remain forever changeless, with the power to extend forever changelessly, they are everywhere.

When the mind elects to be what it is not, and to assume an alien power which it does not have, a foreign state it cannot enter, or a false condition not within its Source, it merely seems to go to sleep a while.  Let us be children of the truth, and do not deny our holy heritage.  God's holy home we strive to keep as He established it, and wills it to be forever and forever.  He is Lord of what we think.  In His Thoughts, which has no opposite, we understand there is one life, and that we share with Him, with all creation, with their thoughts as well, whom He created in unity of life that cannot separate in death and leave the Source of life from where it came.  As we were, so are we now and will be forever.  The wakened mind is one that knows its Source, its Self, its Holiness.  www.jean-lucdabreau.com  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


All things are given to me.  God's trust in me are limitless.  He  gives without expectation, holding back nothing.  My will is one with His.  


Here is the paradox that underlies the making of the world.  This world is not the will of God, and so it is not real.  Those who think it real must still believe there is another will, and one that leads to opposite effects from those He wills.  Impossible indeed; every mind that looks upon the world and judges it as certain, solid, trustworthy and true believes in two creators; or in one, himself alone.  But never in one God. 

The gifts of God are not acceptable to anyone who holds such strange beliefs.  One  must deny their presence, contradict the truth, and suffer to preserve the world one made.  Without the world one made he is an outcast; homeless and afraid.  He has forgotten where he came from, where he goes, and even who he really is.  In one's lonely, senseless wanderings, God's gifts go with them, all unknown to them.

He seems a sorry figure; weary, worn, in threadbare clothing, and with feet that bleed a little from rocky road he walks.  This is their chosen self, the one they made as a replacement for reality.  They cower fearfully lest they should feel Christ's touch upon their shoulder, and perceive His gentle hand directing them to look upon their gifts. Christ's hand has touched their shoulder, and they feel that they are not alone.  The misertable self they thought was them may not be their identity.

God's Will does not oppose. It merely is.  That is all.  God walks with us Who gently answers all our fears with this one merciful reply, "It is not so."  His touch on us has made us like Himself.  We now must learn to give.  We must teach them by showing them the happiness that comes to those who feel the touch of Christ, and recognize God's gifts.  If we are sick, we are withholding healing the Creation.

Our hand becomes the giver of Christ's touch; our change of mind becomes the proof that who accepts God's gifts can never suffer. We are entrusted with the world's release from pain.  Do not betray it.  Become the living proof of what Christ's touch can offer everyone.  God has entrusted all His gifts to us.  Such is our mission now.   He has shared His joy with us.    How we go to share it with the world.  www.jean-lucdabreau.com