Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Fear is the stranger to the ways of love.  Identify with fear, and you will be a stranger to yourself.  Thus you are unknown to you.  You remain an alien to the part of you which thinks that it is real but different from yourself. Who but a madman could believe he is what he is not, and judge against himself? 

There is a stranger in your midst, who comes from an idea so foreign to the truth he speaks a different language, looks upon a world truth does not know, and understands what truth regards as senseless.  Yet, how easy it would be for you to say, "This is my home.  Here I belong, and will not leave because a madman says I must."  No one would let himself be dispossessed so needlessly, unless he thought there were another home more suited to his tastes.   

Who is the stranger?  Is it fear or you that is unsuited to the home which God provided for his children?  Is fear His Own, created in His likeness?  Is it fear that love completes, and is completed by?  There is no home can shelter love and fear.  They cannot coexist.  If you are real, then fear must be an illusion.  If fear is real, then we do not exist. 

Who fears has denied himself and said, "I am a stranger here.  Therefore, I leave my home to someone more like me than myself, giving him all I thought belonged to me."  A stranger to himself can find no home wherever he may look, because he has made returning impossible.  His way is lost except for a miracle.  The miracle will come. 

Who is the stranger?  Hear God's voice assure you, quietly and sure, that you are not a stranger to God, nor is your Creator a stranger made to you.  "Whom God has joined remain forever one, at home in Him, no stranger to Himself." Christ's vision sees no strangers, but behold His Own and joyously unites with them.   Home may  be complete and perfect as it was established. 

God has not forgotten us. We will not remember Him until we look on all as He does.  Remembering now,"who denies his brother is denying God, and refusing to accept the gift of sight by which his Self is clearly recognized, his home remembered and salvation come."  Visit; www.jean-lucdabreau.com  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I cannot give what I have not received.  To give something requires that I first have it in my my possession.  The laws of Heaven and the world agree.  But here they also separate.  The world believes that to possess a thing, it must be kept.  Salvation teaches otherwise.  To give is how to recognize I have received.  It is the proof that what I have is mine. 

I do understand that I am healed when I give healing.  I accept forgiveness as accomplished in myself when I forgive.  There is no miracle I cannot give, for all are given to me.   I receive them now by opening the storehouse of my mind where they are laid, and giving them away.  Christ's vision is a miracle.   It comes from far beyond itself, for it reflects Eternal Love and rebirth of love which never dies, but has been kept obscure.  What God created perfect can be mirrored in this world.

Christ's vision is the miracle in which all miracles are born.  Christ beholds no sin in anyone.   Christ's vision is the bridge between the worlds.  Holiness has been restored to vision, and the blind can see.  This is the Holy Spirit's single gift; the treasure house to which I can appeal with perfect certainty for all the things that can contribute to my happiness.

No one will be turned away from this new home, where salvation waits.  Christ's vision is the holy ground in which the lilies of forgiveness set their roots.  This is their home.  They become His messengers, who give as they received.  They are twice blessed.  The messages they brought from Christ have been delivered, and returned to them.

The store of miracles set out for me to give.  I'm I not worth the gift, when God appointed it be given me?  Judge not God's son, just follow in the way He has established.  Christ has dreamed the dream of a forgiven world.  It is His gift, whereby a sweet transition can be made from death to life; from hopelessness to hope.  Christ's vision gives the means for a return to our unlost and everlasting sanctity in God.   www.jean-lucdabreau.comwww.jean-lucdabreau.com

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


What has been given to me?  The knowledge that I am a mind, in mind and purely mind, sinless forever, wholly unafraid, because I was created out of Love.  I have not left my Source, remaining as I was created.  This was given to me as knowledge which I cannot lose.  It was also given to every living thing, so by that knowledge only does all things live.

I have received all this.  All this cannot be learned.  What am to learn to give this day?  Understand that experience cannot be shared directly, in the way that vision can.  The revelation that the Father and Son are one will come in time to every mind.  That time is determined by the mind itself, not taught.

Time is already set.  It appears to be arbitrary.  There is no step along the way that is taken by chance.  Time seems to go in one direction.  It seems to have a future still unknown to us.  Time is a trick, a sleight of hand, a vast illusion in which figures come and go as if by magic.  Though, there is a plan behind appearances that does not change.  The script is written.  When experience will come to end our doubting.

A teacher does not give experience, because he did not learn it.  It revealed itself to him at its appointed time.  But vision is a gift.  This can be given directly, for Christ's knowledge is not lost, because He has a vision He can give to anyone who asks.  There is a quiet place within the world made holy by forgiveness and by love.  Experience - unlearned, untaught, unseen - is merely there.

Christ's vision has one law.  It does not look upon a body, and mistake it for the Son whom God created.  It beholds a light beyond the body; an idea beyond what can be touched, a purity undimmed by errors, pitiful mistakes, and fearful thoughts of guilt from dreams of sin.  It sees no separation.  It looks on everyone, on every circumstance, all happenings and all events, without the slightest fading of the light it sees.

This can be taught; and must be taught by all who would achieve it.  This we give today: See no one as a body.  Greet them as the Children of God they are, acknowledging that they are one with us in holiness.   They are no more.  Thus I learn to give as I receive.  Christ's vision looks on me as well.  As in my fellow person I see myself.  Every person whom I meet today provides another chance to let Christ's vision shine on me, and offer me the peace of God. 

It does not matter when revelation comes, that is not of time.  Time has still one gift to give, in which true knowledge is reflected in a way so accurate its image shares its unseen holiness;  its likeness shines with its immortal love.  Let us practice seeing with the eyes of Christ today.  By the holy gifts we give, Christ's vision looks upon ourselves as well.  www.jean-lucdabreau.com

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


This is a day of silence and trust.  This is the time Heaven has set aside to shine upon, and cast a timeless light upon us.  This day is holy, for it ushers in a new experience; a different kind of feeling and awareness.  Today we learn to feel the joy of life.  It brings us to the door where learning ceases, and we catch a glimpse of what lies past the highest reaches it can possibly attain. 

Today we will be given to feel a touch of Heaven, though we will return to paths of learning.  What we ask for now is what God wills.  So, lets join our will with God's this day, what we are asking must be given to us.  Our ministry takes on a genuine devotion, and the glow that travels from our fingertips to those we touch, and blesses those we look upon.  A vision reaches everyone  we meet, and everyone we think of, or who thinks of us.  Today our experience will transform our minds that they become the touchstone for the holy Thoughts of God.

What we experience this day will light the world.  We who bring it light will come to see the light more sure; the vision more distinct.  We will embark upon a course we have not dreamed of.  The Holy One, the Giver of happy dreams of life, Translator of perception into truth, the holy Guide to Heaven given to us.  Into God's Presence will we enter now, serenely unaware of everything except His shining face and perfect Love.  www.jean-lucdabreau.com