Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Those of us who feel threatened by this changing world, its twists of fortune and its bitter jests, its brief relationships and all the gifts it merely lends to take away again.  This world provides no safety.  It is rooted in attack, and all its gifts of seeming safety are illusory deceptions.  This world attacks, and then attacks again.  This gives rise to defensiveness.  Thus, it brings anger, anger makes attack seem reasonable, honestly provoked, and righteous in the name of self-defense.The weak are undermined, there is treachery and greater treachery within.  Our minds are now confused, and does not know where to turn to find escape from its imaginings.

Attack, defense, defense, attack, become the circles of the hours and the days that bind the mind in heavy bands of steel with iron overlaid, returning to start again.  Defenses are the costliest of all the prices which the ego would exact.  There lies madness in a form so grim that hope of sanity seems to be an idle dream, beyond the possible.  We are its slaves.  We do not understand how much we have sacrifice. By our defenseiveness we sabotage the holy peace of God.  We look at the Son of God as  a victim to attack by our fantasies, by our dreams, by illusions we have made; helpless in their presence, needful of defense by more fantasies, and dreams by which illusions of our safety comfort us.

Defenselessness is strength.  It testifies to recognition of the Christ in us.  It can never be attacked, because it recognizes strength so great attack is folly, or a silly game a tired child might play, when he becomes too sleepy to remember what he wants.  Defensiveness is weakness.  It says we have denied the Christ and come to fear His Father's anger.  Illusions cannot defend us now, when it is illusions that we fight.  Our true purpose is to save the world, and we would not exchange for foolishness the endless joy our function offers us.

Let us look past dreams today, recognize we need no defense because we are created unassailable, without all thoughts or wish or dream in which attack has any meaning.  In defenselessness we stand secure, serenely certain of our safety, sure of salvation;   sure we will fulfil our chosen purpose, as we extend our holy blessing through the world. If you fail to teach what you have learned, salvation waits and darkness holds the world in grim imprisonment.  Now a quiet time has come, in which we put away the toys of guilt, and lock our quaint and childish thoughts of sin forever from the pure and holy minds of Heaven's children and the Son of God.

Our theme for today, our defenselessness.  We remain strong in Christ, and let our weakness disappear, as we remember that His strength abides in us.  We will remind ourselves that Christ remains beside us through the day, and does not leave our weakness unsupported by His strength.  Let us look on Christ and see His sinlessness. Visit  us at; In our defenselessness our safety lies

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