Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Miracles are seen in light"

"Miracles are always there. Its presence is not caused by our vision; its absence is not the result of our failure to see. It is only our awareness of miracles that is affected. We will see them in the light; we will not see them in the dark.

When we have felt the strength in us, which makes all miracles within our easy reach, we will have not DOUBT. The miracles our sense of weakness hides will leap into awareness as we feel the strength in us.

Each day this week three times per day, lets set aside ten minutes for quiet time in which we leave our weaknesses behind. In so doing, instruct ourselves that we are not a body. We can escape the body if we choose. We can experience the strength in us. As we tell ourselves: 'Miracles are seen in light. The body's eyes do not perceive the light. But I am not a body. What am I?'

What we think we are is a belief to get rid off. What we really are must be revealed to us. The belief we are a body must be corrected, being a mistake. The truth of what we are calls on the strength in us to bring to our awareness what the mistake conceals.

If we are not a body, what are we? Ask this in honesty, and then devote several minutes to allowing our mistaken thoughts about our attributes to be corrected, and their opposites to take their place. Say: 'I am not weak, but strong. I am not helpless, but powerful. I am not limited, but unlimited. I am not doubtful, but certain. I am not an illusion, but a reality. I cannot see in darkness, but in light.'

Remember that all sense of weakness is associated with the belief we are a body, a belief that is mistaken and deserves no faith. Relax during these practice periods, confident that our efforts, however meager, are fully supported by the strength of God and all of creation. It is from them that our strength will come. It is through their strong support that we will feel the strength in us. Every hour of every day, remind ourselves that miracles are seen in light. Say: 'Miracles are seen in light. Let me not close my eyes because of this.' Bless your Sacred Heart." Get the CD, "INFINITE POWER"

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